Wednesday, November 22, 2006


William and Dad read three books this morning - they are from the oxford reading tree series - stage 8 and 9 books.
  1. The Flying Carpet
  2. A Day in London
  3. The Great Race

William's comprehension is improving as is his reading fluency.

Dad read chapter 4 and 5 of "The Coming Storm" in the Jack Sparrow.

He also did his spelling words twice and some maths questions

He got 9 out of 9 with the 2,3, and 4 digit additions and

18 out of 18 for his 1 digit multiplications. He is improving in this area as well.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

William and Dad worked hard this morning.
Finished the whole homework sheet in one hour.
Dad had to go to school and drive the bus for Tom trip to the beach.
Tomorrow we will go to the library to change our books.
We will finish the Jack Sparrow book tonight.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thursday and Friday William and I worked through his homework sheet and his spelling list.
William got 9 out of 10.
William and Tom went with Nanna shopping today and bought some pirate gear.
"A Jack Sparrow" suit, a hat, william the kid action figure and an island.
Got to go and play with Tom.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

1. Read 2 pages of the "Jack Sparrow" novel.
2. Read 4 readers as well - "Joey", "A Medal for Nickie", "The Babysitter", and "The Dinosaur Chase"
3. Finished the Maths Challenge sheets on addition, subtraction and multiplication
I will hand them into my teacher this morning.
Tomorrow I will do the homework sheet and spelling words.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

1. Read three books - "Wizard Blot", "Roman Adventure", and "Ten Big Fat Men"
2. Maths Basics 3 - page 8 and 9 on Subtraction (is getting better - but still a concern)
3. Target Maths - Revision for Term 1 page 33 (all correct - but I read each question)

Read chapter two of the "Jack Sparrow" novel with Dad.
It's good so far - I hope to read more tonight.


Pirate Project

Most pirates came from the Caribbean Sea. Blackbeard was a scary pirate who had fire in his beard. Queen Anne's Revenge was the name of his 40 cannon ship. He was a weird and dangerous pirate.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Foot is getting better, but I did not go swimming this afternoon.
1. Maths Dice
2. 100s and 1000s number lines - having some trouble with these sometimes
3. Read 4 Books with Dad - "Viking Adventure", "Go-kart Race", "Teddy Bears Picnic" and "Respect".
4. 2 Target Maths pages as well.
4. Went to the town library this afternoon - got a pirates info book and a jack sparrow novel.
Dad read chapter one before bed.
We will read chapter two together tomorrow morning.
Swimming squad tomorrow as well.

Friday, November 10, 2006

  1. Finish homework sheet
  2. Spelling practice x6 (10/10)
  3. Target Maths p33 Calendars
  4. Maths Basics 3 - p1 - numbers to 20
  5. p2 - number sequences
  6. p3 - greater than and less than
  7. p4 - sums to 10
  8. p5 - differences
  9. p6 - fact families
  10. p7 - subtraction practice
  11. finish Captain Pugwash book
  12. Read new book - Albert the Artist

Played violin at the concert last night and sang with the Year 3 singers as well.

Also cut my foot this morning.

Finished the English workbook on Wednesday as well. Dad was proud of me.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Swam well yesterday at stroke correct - breaststroke is getting better Dad said.

Today's activities:
1. Dice Mentals
2. English workbook p30 and 31 work puzzles and page 4 and 5 number words
3. Target Maths page 30 and 31 Multiples of 5.
4. Reading chapter 4 from Captain Pugwash book
5. Spelling words practice.

Swimming squad this afternoon.

Monday, November 06, 2006


William at Innes Park Golf CLub

Busy morning for me and Dad.
1. Maths Practice tens plus units
2. tens plus tens
3. dice additions
4. counting in 10s to 1000
5. counting in 5s to 100
6. counting in 2s to 20
7. English workbook p28 - opposites - antonyms
8. page 29 - Finishing the sentences using phrases
9. Target Maths page 28 symmetry and page 29 odds and evens
10. Read "The Boat" - written by Faye Berryman from the Fitzroy Readers Collection

Off to Golf with Dad for the morning - I will add some photos we I get back.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another busy day - tomorrow is a dress free day as well.
I don't know what to say.

1. Read another chapter of Captain Pugwash
2. Read "plant" reader and "A pirate's night"
3. Target Maths p26 and 27 on multiplication
4. English Workbook p26 and 27 on comprehension of lists
5. spelling words practice - pair, chair, fair, stairs, care, stare, square, we're, wear, their

having some trouble with words this week - Mum will practice with me tonight - Dad is off to work in Roma.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Worked well today - finished all the homework and read Chapter 3 of Pugwash.
Time, Verbs and Nouns
Spelling word practice now.

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