Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I liked the interactive story particularly where they used audio.
Today we:
1. Read the story and discussed it.
2. Target Maths Capacity and Bar Graphs p24 and 25
3. English workbook - reading instructions and silly and sensible sentences p24 and 25
4. Mental maths with the dice
5. Spelling words

Dad said he will try to get some more pugwash stories from the town library.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Captain Pugwash Resources

has an interactive story book.

Busy weekend - went to Bradley's house for a sleep over on Saturday night. Lots of fun.

1. Dice Maths Mentals
2. Reading Chapter 1 Captain Pugwash p1-12
3. English Workbook p23 Speech bubbles and marks
4. 2, 5, and 10 times tables
5. Subtraction Target Maths p22
6. Counting Backwards Target Maths p23
7. Reading more Pugwash p13-20
8. Computer Activity - Literacy


Friday 27th October

Did well today - go my present from Dad.
I got 10 out of 10 for my spelling.
Homeschooling activities:
1. Spelling practice
2. Reading Pirates book
3. Mentals maths
4. Double digit addition
5. Target Maths p21 Measurement in cm and m
6. Spelling practice

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Dad is proud of me because I can now do double digit addition.

1. Read 3 books
2. Target Maths pages on measurement - p 20 and 21
3. 5 Addition circles
4. 10 double digit additions (12 out of 12 correct)
5. Spelling words practice

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Wednesday 25th October

I am not sure what to write today.
Would like to go shopping at Target today. Dad said, "maybe".
If I get all the work done this week and get all my spelling right on Friday, Dad said I could get a Jack Sparrow action figure at Target.

1. Dice Maths Mentals
2. 5 and 10 times tables
3. Addition to 20 (20 questions in 60 seconds)
4. Target Maths Halves and Quarters p18 and 19
5. English Workbook - Speech Marks and Contractions p20 and 21
6. Homework Sheet - Spell Checking Tuesday
7. Spelling Words practice

Tuesday, October 24, 2006



Tuesday 24th October

1. 10 minutes of addition mentals
2. 2 times tables
3. 5 times tables
4. 10 times tables
5. reading 2 books (
6. English Workbook page 18 (Spelling) and 19 (Menu Listings - comprehension)
7. Target Maths page 17 (2-D shapes)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Wednesday 18 October

1. Word Search from Library
2. English Workbook p14,15 and 17
3. Target Maths p14/5
4. Five and two times tables
5. spelling list
6. Dice Maths Mentals
7. Pirate Board Game with Dice


Tuesday 17th October

1. Dice Maths Mentals
2. Board Game using dice
3. five times tables
4. Target Maths p12/3
5. English Workbook p6-9 Nouns, adjectives, signs and proper nouns
6. Homework sheet - Thursday
7. Spelling


Monday 16 October

1. Dice Maths Mentals
2. 0,1 and 2 timetables
3. Place Value 1000, 100, 10s and units
4. Target Maths p10,11
5. Reading and Punctuation exercises

Success: place value
Concerns: bridging quickly to tens


Thursday 12 October

1. Target Maths p6,7
2. Five Times Table
3. Target Maths p8,9 3D objects
4. Homework Sheet Wednesday
5. Spelling Words

Success: Fives
Concerns: Place Value


Wednesday 11th October

1. 3 readers
2. Target Maths p4,5
3. Time o'clocks and half pasts
4. Sound Waves p68/9
5. Homework sheet for Monday and Tuesday


Tuesday 10 October
1. William's Money Worksheet
2. Target Maths p2,3
3. Sound Waves p66/7
4. Spelling Words

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